

We are passionate about music at the school. Children will experience a range of different musical opportunities throughout their 7 year journey here at school, including a music curriculum that teaches skills in listening to and responding to music, making connections between genres, artists and instruments, participation and composition, and an understanding of the basics behind musical notation and orchestration. Children will be taught how to listen deeply, consider the purpose and history behind music, the emotions and feelings of composers and artists that create music, and how to use this in their own pieces of music. Children will acquire a progressive level of skills in playing a recorder, and be given opportunity to learn how to play a wide range of instruments from peripatetic teachers' and wider curriculum experiences. Children will be given opportunity to develop their voice, participate in local and national competitions and events, for the choir, band and smaller ensembles, combining music with drama and art for effect.

The Choir

The school has two choirs; Y3/4 and Y5/6.  The choirs currently meet on a Wednesday after school. 

The choirs regularly take part in external competitions such as the Oundle and Peterborough Music Festivals of music and performances with the Stamford Choral Society. 

The choir is led by our Choir Director Mrs Vicki Mills. 

In School Music Tuition 

To provide the children with a wide range of musical opportunities the school offers a range of lessons with external specialists.  These are at an additional cost, which is paid directly to the tutor. these lessons take place during lunch times or after school.

If your child is interested in any music lessons please contact the office.  





Y3 – Y6

Mr Scott McEwan


Y3 – Y6

Mr Jeremy Jepson


FS – Y6

Mrs Anja Smith