
Exam and Assessment Results

Mandatory Tests

Y6 - KS2 SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) are taken at the end of Year 6. SATs take place in May each year.  The dates are set nationally and are non-negotiable.  Leave of absence will not be given during this week.  If a child is absent from school during the SATs assessment week, the national system requires that their SATs score is shown as 'fail'. This year's SATs results are available by downloading the document attached below, which provides the national results from 2023 (being the latest national results available) and the school's 2024 results, together with a percentage point comparison.

EYFS - New Early Years Foundation Stage children are given baseline assessments as they join us in September each year. 

Y4 - Our Y4 children take an online timetables test called the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) on a set day in May each year. 

Y2 - KS1 SATs are no longer compulsory.

Y1 - Our Y1 children take a phonics test called the Phonics Screening Check in May each year.  Those children who do not meet the expected standard automatically re-take the test at the end of Y2.

Voluntary Assessments

All our children take assessments several times each year, so that we can track progress and target areas in which our children need additional help ie with interventions etc.

To see the school's performance tables (including the average progress made by pupils in reading, writing and maths between KS1 and KS2) issued by the Department of Education, please go to this Link.

To see the Department for Education's school performance measures, please click here.