We have been busy in art lessons and at our lunchtime and after-school clubs making commemorative artwork for the Coronation. All pieces have been entered into the Royal British Legion's Joyce Burton Trophy competition. Our children have spent a huge amount of time on these pieces with every intricate detail re-created so we are very much hoping to be placed! #prideandjoy #nurtureandgrowth #engageandinspire
Union Jack by After-School Club
IMG1577.JPG2665IMG1577Union Jack by After-School ClubIMG1576
Crown by After-School Club
IMG1576.JPG2664IMG1576Crown by After-School Club40
Street Party by FS/Y1/Y2
40.jpg266340Street Party by FS/Y1/Y239
Street Party by FS/Y1/Y2
39.jpeg266239Street Party by FS/Y1/Y214
Westminster Abbey by KS2
14.jpeg266114Westminster Abbey by KS27
Inside Westminster Abbey by KS2
7.jpg26607Inside Westminster Abbey by KS2