Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA)

The PTFA was formed in December 1995 and consists of Malcolm Sargent parents, carers, teachers and friends who work together to support the school.  As a registered charity, the PTFA raises funds to buy equipment and provide the tools which are beyond the reach of the school’s budget, to enrich the experience of pupils.

A wide variety of events are organised by the PTFA including the annual Summer and Christmas Fayres, Discos, Lolly Fridays, Christmas Treats, to name just a few.  We try to arrange events in which all generations of the pupil’s family can enjoy and participate.  The members and other parent helpers are also involved in the sale of secondhand school uniform.  The association is also enrolled on a number of sites such as the SKDC Lottery, Stamptastic and The Giving Machine to generate funds for the school.

The PTFA usually raise around £15k per year for the school. Last year, 2022/2023 we raised £17,082.

Some of the many projects funded are:

  • Whole School History Experience day
  • The Conversation worshops
  • Playground storage and benches
  • Year 6 leavers festival
  • Coronation Book Marks
  • Board Games 
  • £10,000 approved for a Trim Trail on the playground next year.
  • Enriching the curriculum by funding trips, the life bus, a planetarium, pantomimes, historical themed days and other such activities for the children to learn from and enjoy

We look forward to welcoming you to the PTFA; parents/carers are automatically members but if you would like to learn more and would like to be more involved please feel free to contact us on or pop along to our meetings. Please support your PTFA by joining the committee, contributing new fundraising ideas, or helping out at an event; together we make a better school. 

Kirsty Kent, Chairperson, PTFA