School Houses

The school operates a vertical house system, with three houses.

In December 2023, we voted for new house names:

  • Attenborough House (named after the broadcaster and biologist David Attenborough)
  • Cavell House (named after Edith Cavell, a nurse who treated wounded soldiers without discrimination during WW1)
  • Parks House (named after Rosa Parks, who was an American activist in favour of racial equality).

These house names were voted for by children, parents and staff from a shortlist of nine candidates, selected based on their personal values and virtues to represent our broad and diverse society. 

The houses start in Foundation and go up to Year 6. These three vertical houses allow children to work as a team, nurturing, supporting and mentoring one another. They compete against each other in a range of challenges including sport, spelling and reading. This allows them to understand the nature of competition, which includes winning and losing. They meet as a house weekly to discuss events.

Each house is led by the Head Pupils in Year 6.

We hold a number of exciting house competitions and events across the year, organised by our House Council and Head Boys and Girls.


These include a House Spelling Bee, Poetry Slam, Writing Competition, Art Event, Attendance, Reading and Sports House Competitions. Children engage well in these events to learn about key values and character development such as pride, hope, teamwork, respect and humility.


The ongoing results of our events and competitions can be found by clicking on the individual houses.

Attenborough House

Cavell House

Parks House